women as authors of Latin literatureを主題とした国際学会の報告募集がありました。
Dear Colleagues,
In the past two years, the research group relics organised online roundtable discussions on the future of Latin studies and education. Excellent impulse talks and vivid discussions made the events a success, which is why we have decided to continue the effort. We continue to focus on topics which last years’ discussions highlighted as particularly relevant for the field. This year, we will look at women as authors of Latin literature from various points of view.
In recent years the study of women authors has grown in importance in Latin studies. This invites us to rethink the field’s boundaries and traditions. We seek perspectives on women, past and present, who used Latin to express themselves. Some view modern feminist theories as vital to the field, while others question their applicability. Does integrating today’s feminist and gender theories risk overlooking the unique contexts of historical texts? Another point of interest is the role of social class and other identity markers in shaping women’s representations. Questions of representation and canon formation remain at the heart of these debates: which texts are privileged, and how do we teach these texts? Finally, we seek input on regional variations in approaches to gender in Latin studies. How do perspectives from different countries interact, and is it possible to trace broader regional approaches shaped by distinct cultural and scholarly traditions? We invite scholars of all career stages to share their ideas on gender in Latin studies with us.
We plan to hold the event on 11 March 2025 over Zoom. The exact time will be decided on the basis of participants’ time zones and will be communicated later. For now, we invite concrete expressions of interest: short thoughts that you would consider worth discussing or more elaborate proposals for a substantial contribution to the discussion. From this, we will select speakers to give impulse talks of five minutes that will serve as a basis for the ensuing discussion.
Proposals and any remaining questions should be sent by 13 January to relics@ugent.be.
With kind regards,
Alex Tadel (University of Warwick)
Simon Smets (KU Leuven)
Call for Papers for a Roundtable on Gender in Latin Studies
posted by HP運営委員会 at 20:06| Comment(0)
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Call for papers: Literatures without Borders
Dear colleagues,
The international Scientific Research Group (SRN) ‘Literatures without Borders’, funded by the Research-foundation Flanders (FWO) organizes a conference on premodern transnational literatures in the Palace of the Academies in Brussels on 19 and 20 June 2025.
The conference aims to investigate how transnational/cosmopolitan literatures function, and if a conceptual framework could be devised that better characterizes, defines, and understands premodern literary transnationalism.
Keynote speaker will be Prof. dr. Karla Mallette (U-Michigan), whose work on premodern literary cosmopolitanism (e.g. Lives of the Great Languages, 2021) forms an important cornerstone of the current scholarly debate.
We seek 250-word proposals for 30-minute papers that examine the phenomena of cosmopolitanism and transnationalism in premodern Arabic, Byzantine-Greek, Hebrew-Yiddish-Ladino and Latin literatures, as well as their interactions with various vernaculars. More information can be found on our website.
We invite scholars of all career stages to submit their proposals to info@relicsresearch.com by December 31st, 2024. Selected participants will be notified by the end of January 2025.
Kind regards,
Ivo Wolsing
Simon Smets
On behalf of the Scientific Research Network Literatures Without Borders
Dear colleagues,
The international Scientific Research Group (SRN) ‘Literatures without Borders’, funded by the Research-foundation Flanders (FWO) organizes a conference on premodern transnational literatures in the Palace of the Academies in Brussels on 19 and 20 June 2025.
The conference aims to investigate how transnational/cosmopolitan literatures function, and if a conceptual framework could be devised that better characterizes, defines, and understands premodern literary transnationalism.
Keynote speaker will be Prof. dr. Karla Mallette (U-Michigan), whose work on premodern literary cosmopolitanism (e.g. Lives of the Great Languages, 2021) forms an important cornerstone of the current scholarly debate.
We seek 250-word proposals for 30-minute papers that examine the phenomena of cosmopolitanism and transnationalism in premodern Arabic, Byzantine-Greek, Hebrew-Yiddish-Ladino and Latin literatures, as well as their interactions with various vernaculars. More information can be found on our website.
We invite scholars of all career stages to submit their proposals to info@relicsresearch.com by December 31st, 2024. Selected participants will be notified by the end of January 2025.
Kind regards,
Ivo Wolsing
Simon Smets
On behalf of the Scientific Research Network Literatures Without Borders
posted by HP運営委員会 at 21:02| Comment(0)
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日本西洋古典学会ブログ上の一部コンテンツがGoogle Chromeで閲覧できない不具合について
2023年10月21日現在,日本西洋古典学会ブログ上のpdfファイルなどをGoogle Chromeで開こうとすると404エラーが生じる事態が報告されています.
これは,httpsに対応していない本ブログ上のファイルに,Google Chromeが自動的にhttpsでアクセスを試みることによるものと考えられます.
1. EdgeやFirefox, SafariなどのChrome以外のブラウザでアクセスする
2. Chromeで404エラーが出た際,アドレスバーに表示されたURL中の「https」を「http」に改めて再読み込みする
3. Chromeで404エラーが出た際,アドレスバーの鍵マークをクリックし,[サイトの設定]>[プライバシーとセキュリティ]>[安全でないコンテンツ]から設定を一時的に[許可する]に変えたうえで再読み込みする
これは,httpsに対応していない本ブログ上のファイルに,Google Chromeが自動的にhttpsでアクセスを試みることによるものと考えられます.
1. EdgeやFirefox, SafariなどのChrome以外のブラウザでアクセスする
2. Chromeで404エラーが出た際,アドレスバーに表示されたURL中の「https」を「http」に改めて再読み込みする
3. Chromeで404エラーが出た際,アドレスバーの鍵マークをクリックし,[サイトの設定]>[プライバシーとセキュリティ]>[安全でないコンテンツ]から設定を一時的に[許可する]に変えたうえで再読み込みする
posted by HP運営委員会 at 11:05| Comment(0)
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posted by HP運営委員会 at 08:49| Comment(0)
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留学プログラムのご案内(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athensより今秋から始まる英語留学プログラムの案内が送られてきました。
posted by HP運営委員会 at 21:40| Comment(0)
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(HP運営委員 西井)
(HP運営委員 西井)
posted by HP運営委員会 at 14:44| Comment(0)
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