京都大学の河島思朗准教授より、FIECの国際大会に関するお知らせが参りました。下記に組織委員会からの英文メールを転載します。詳細につきましては、こちらの案内(First Circular)もあわせてご覧ください。
Dear colleague,
In relation to our XVI International FIEC Congress on Classical Studies, which will be held in Mexico from August 1 to 5, 2022, please find attached our First Circular, containing important and specific information about the "Modalities of Participation in the Congress".
In like manner, we also remind you that Saturday, July 31st. is our deadline for receiving proposal of participation.
The Local Organizing Committee
posted by HP運営委員会 at 23:19| Comment(0)
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